Zimbabwean Tech Entrepreneur Strive Masiyiwa to Receive 2015 AAI Business Award

Strive Masiyiwa webThe Africa-America Institute is thrilled to announce that its Future Leaders Legacy Fund Awards Gala will present the AAI 2015 Business Leaders Award to Dr. Strive Masiyiwa, Zimbabwean technology entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Masiyiwa is founder and chairman of Econet Wireless a global telecommunications group with operations and investments in Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and the Asia Pacific.

The Future Leaders Legacy Fund Awards will be held on September 29 in New York City. Held annually during the opening week of the United Nations General Assembly, distinguished U.S. and African leaders and top diplomats will gather for one of the most high profile Africa-focused event in New York City.

AAI will present the award to Masiyiwa for his commitment to shaping the direction and narrative of Africa through his exponential impact as a role model, global leader, entrepreneur and philanthropist.

“AAI is deeply honored to recognize Strive Masiyiwa for his principled and visionary leadership,” said AAI President and CEO Amini Kajunju. “His visionary leadership reinforces the vision of AAI in addressing education and partnership as ‘human needs’ for an emerging Africa then and now.”

Masiyiwa’s company Econet recently joined with African Leadership Network (ALN) and Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) to launch the Africa Business Fellowship. The fellowship aims to strengthen business relations between the U.S. and Africa by giving high-potential American business professionals hands-on experience and insight into how businesses operate in Africa.

Recognized by CNN Fortune Magazine as one of “the world’s 50 greatest leaders“, Masiyiwa’s business interests include renewable energy, water treatment, Coca-Cola bottling, financial services and hospitality.

Masiyiwa sits on several international boards, including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Global Advisory Board, the Africa Progress Panel, the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board for Sustainable Energy, Morehouse College and the Hilton Foundation’s Humanitarian Prize Jury. He chairs the Alliance for a Green Revolution and co-chairs the AU/WEF partnership, GROW Africa.

In 2012, President Barack Obama invited Masiyiwa to address leaders at the Camp David G-8 Summit on how to increase food production and end hunger in parts of Africa.

As a philanthropist, Strive Masiyiwa and his wife Tsitsi Masiyiwa, are members of the Giving Pledge and finance the Higher Life Foundation, which provides scholarships to over 42,000 African orphans.


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