Word from the President – Summer 2015

Kajunju Award profileDear Friends,

We hope your summer is off to a great start! At AAI, we are busy planning and looking ahead to our upcoming impactful events this fall: 2nd Annual State of Education in Africa conference on September 2, in Lagos, and the Future Leaders Legacy Fund Awards Gala on Sept. 29 in New York City. Please mark your calendars! We excited about the events and hope you’ll join us for one or both events.

Here are the latest updates:

  • 2nd Annual State of Education in Africa conference (SOE). Building on our inaugural State of Education in Africa conference in 2014 in New York City, this year’s SOE will be held on September 2, on the African continent in Lagos, Nigeria. Co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation and World Bank, more than 150 of the world’s leading educators and innovators will gather to assess the progress of education at all levels in Africa and elevate discussions on the key role of education as an engine for Africa’s economic development. This global conference aims to create a solution-driven conversation with policy-makers, educators, administrators, philanthropists and other key stakeholders on the tremendous opportunities and challenges in education on the African continent. Winning submissions from our first-ever PitchFest Contest will be presented at the conference. For a monthlong contest, individuals submitted their cutting-edge ideas, tools, information and technologies on how to bring about a better educational system in Africa. AAI will also release a State of Education in Africa Report and Scorecard at the conference.

To register, please click here.

  • AAI Future Leaders Legacy Fund Awards Gala. The Future Leaders Legacy Fund Award continues to be one of the most anticipated events of the year! This year’s Gala, under the theme Achieving Excellence through Scholarship, Opportunity and Innovation, will be held on Tuesday, September 29 at 583 Park Avenue in New York City. The Awards Gala will honor H.E. Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of  Namibia with the AAI Lifetime Achievement and Distinguished Alumnus Award; Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Wireless with the AAI 2015 Business Leader Award; and IBM with the AAI 2015 Corporate Responsibility Award.

Please purchase your tickets and learn about corporate sponsorships, please click here.

  • AAI Future Leaders Legacy Fund. The Awards Gala will officially launch the Future Leaders Legacy Fund. The Legacy Fund is an exciting new initiative which will provide Africa’s brightest, yet under-resourced, students with scholarships to study in high-performing African universities and technical colleges to earn bachelor’s degrees and vocational and technical training certifications. Proceeds from the Awards Gala will support the Future Leaders Legacy Fund. Learn more about the Legacy Fund!

Get connected to AAI! We hope to see you at our upcoming events in New York City and Washington, D.C.

Stay engaged with us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you an AAI alum, please join the AAI Alumni Circle. We’ll look forward to connecting with you.


All the best,

Kajunju signature




Amini Kajunju, President and CEO of The Africa-America Institute


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