Washington Wire: Summer 2014

News from AAI’s Washington, DC Office

Austin Cooper croppedBy Austin Cooper

We formally launched the AAI Conversations on Africa (COA) Series on Thursday, June 12 on Capitol Hill at Rayburn House Office Building. The Conversation, under the title “AGOA 2015: Positioning Renewal to Ensure Better Human Capacity Training”, was a forthright, frank and detailed discussion on what works and does not work with the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), and how it can be strengthened to better benefit Africa in a challenging political environment on Capitol Hill. If you missed the panel discussion, read highlights and watch the full panel discussion here.

AAI will be intimately involved in the upcoming U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. Amini Kanjuju, President and CEO of AAI, will be in Washington throughout the Summit and actively engaged with White House officials, Members of Congress and many of the 48-plus African heads of state who will be in attendance. This Summit will be the largest event any U.S. President has held with African heads of state and government.

The Summit theme is “Investing in the Next Generation”. The historic gathering’s focus on providing the next generation with the skills necessary to be a productive participant in society is at the core of AAI’s mission. We are hopeful that this gathering in Washington will offer an opportunity to discuss ways of stimulating growth, unlocking opportunities, and creating an enabling environment for the next generation of African youth.

Stay in touch! In Washington, I can be reached at (202) 550-1149 or email, austinrcooper@gmail.com.

Austin R. Cooper, Jr. is AAI’s Government Affairs Representative.


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