USIU Students Visit AAI


A delegation of Diplomatic Studies students from U.S. International University (USIU) .

A delegation of Diplomatic Studies students from U.S. International University (USIU) visited the AAI headquarters and met with AAI President and CEO Amini Kajunju on Feb. 18. At AAI, Ms. Kajunju spoke about the  strategic role of AAI in fostering greater engagement between the U.S. and Africa, and building human capacity on the African continent.

USIU, based in Nairobi, Kenya, is an institutional partner of AAI’s Transformational Leadership Program.

The student delegation, led by Ambassador David K. A. Kikaya, a professor of International Relations at USIU – A, were in the U.S.  for a two-week visit to participate in the Harvard Simulation Exercise. They spent a day in New York City where they also toured the United Nations.



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