The African Angle – Investing in Higher Education

The African Angle resizeAfrica is home to seven of the world’s fastest growing economies, yet only 6 percent of young people in sub-Saharan Africa are enrolled in higher education institutions. AAI President & CEO Amini Kajunju argues that investment in higher education is essential for economies on the continent if they want to successfully compete in the global market place.

The continent will not realize its potential until African professionals gain skills necessary to compete and win in a global economy. All stakeholders must be engaged in expanding the number of students enrolled in Africa’s institutions of higher learning and providing a quality education that equips them with the skills for today’s job market.

To read the article, please click here.


The African Angle, an initiative of The Africa-America Institute, Fireside Research, and World Policy Journal, seeks to amplify the voices of contemporary African thought leaders speaking on issues of global concern. The views and opinions expressed in the blogs are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Africa-America Institute.

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