The African Angle – Emerging Entrepreneurs, Part 3

The African Angle resizeIn the third installment of a new series of blog posts on African entrepreneurship, Zambia-born documentary filmmaker Franco Sacchi highlights the story of how Kenyan-based mSurvey was launched. For parts 1 and 2 of this series, click on the associated links.

Lack of access to reliable data is a significant problem for emerging markets in many parts of the world. It not only makes it harder for commercial enterprises to do business, but it also affects key areas such as public health. MSurvey’s founders had a simple and effective solution: they would use standard mobile SMS technology to conduct surveys, making the platform available to anyone with a cell phone.

To read the blog, please click here.


The African Angle, an initiative of The Africa-America Institute, Fireside Research, and World Policy Journal, seeks to amplify the voices of contemporary African thought leaders speaking on issues of global concern. The views and opinions expressed in the blogs are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Africa-America Institute.



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