The Africa-America Institute to Launch New Speaker Series in 2014

First Speaker Series event is scheduled for Jan. 30 in New York City


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A panel discussion from the inaugural Career Expo: Talent Summit. The 2014 Speaker Series will feature the second annual Talent Summit.

The Africa-America Institute is launching a yearlong Speaker Series to provide an engaging platform for U.S., international and African thought leaders to bring fresh perspectives and expertise on issues relevant to U.S. policy towards Africa and African domestic policies.

The Speaker Series will run from January through November 2014 in New York City and Washington, D.C.

“AAI’s Speaker Series will be a forum for innovative and visionary thought leaders to engage in dialogue on important issues of mutual concern to the African continent and United States to help inform and shape public policy and foster socio-economic development in Africa,” said Amini Kajunju, President and CEO of The Africa-America Institute.

“We’re excited about the potential impact of the Speaker Series in increasing engagement, dialogue and action in the U.S. and in Africa on some of the continent’s most pressing issues,” said Kajunju. AAI is a U.S.-based international education and policy organization dedicated to advancing higher education and professional development training for Africans.

The first Speaker Series event will kick off with a panel discussion exploring the challenges and economic potential of President Barack Obama’s “Power Africa” Initiative on January 30 from 6:30-8:30pm in New York City.

Kamran Khan, Vice President of the Department of Compact Operations, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) will moderate the panel discussion on “Power Africa”, a new U.S. initiative that aims to double access to reliable, sustainable energy in sub-Saharan Africa over the next five years.

Panelists include Agnes Dasewicz, USAID’s Director, Private Capital Group for Africa; Shari Berenbach, President & CEO, The U.S. African Development Foundation; Tony von der Muhll, Global Strategic Relations, Shift Into Green Energy ECUA; Ambassador Tuvako Manongi, Permanent Representative of Tanzania to the United Nations; and George Monyemangene, Consul General of South Africa.

AAI will host the Second Annual Talent Summit in May and The State of Education in Africa annual conference in September. Four congressional events will take place in Washington, DC on Feb.26, April 10, June 26, and Nov. 13.

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