State of Education in Africa Report 2015 Released

AAI SOE report 2015-final_Page_01The State of Education in Africa 2015 report was released on Sept. 2 at the 2nd Annual State of Education in Africa conference in Lagos, Nigeria.

The State of Education report offers an opportunity for educators and innovators to gain a regional overview of the African education sector. It was produced to guide some of the engaging discussions that took place on panels and the keynote address at the State of Education in Africa conference.

Each section gives a brief introduction, key statistics and strategies to consider in moving forward. The report provides a snapshot of the progress, to date, key statistics, and challenges at the primary, secondary, vocational and technical, and tertiary education levels.

The section on Quality of Education in Africa explores whether students are meeting education targets and learning outcomes as well as teacher training and effectiveness in African schools. The Public Spending on Education Systems section looks at the investments in education at all levels by African governments.

The Report Card assesses where education stands today and can guide stakeholders on the key priorities to enhance the African education system. The key education indicators were gleaned from World Bank statistics and UNESCO data on a regional level.

To read the report, please click here.



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