African Diplomatic Orientation and Engagement Program

AAI and The Center for African Studies at Harvard University

Partner News: Jim Ovia Leaders Scholarship Enables Ashesi Education for African Students

Kofi Appenteng, President of AAI, Gives Commencement Speech at IE Business School Graduation Ceremony

Jim Ovia Foundation Leaders Scholarship (JOFLS) Awarded to 22 Students from Across Africa

H.E. President Alassane Ouattara Addresses the 2018 State of Education in Africa Conference

Media Coverage: H.E. President Alassane Ouattara at AAI’s 2018 SOE

TRECC sponsors State of Education in Africa Conference

State of Education in Africa 2018

AAI Annual Awards Dinner Program

AAI’s 65th Anniversary Gala Annual Awards Dinner

4th Annual State of Education in Africa Conference