New Staff Members Join AAI

AAI is thrilled to announce new staff to support the organization’s mission and expanding programming.

“It is such an honor to announce our new staff at AAI,” said Amini Kajunju, President and CEO of The Africa-America Institute. “Each staff person brings a wealth of experience that will help us to grow and achieve our organizational goals and overall mission to strengthen human capacity in Africa.”

Brian McGinley

Brian McGinley, AAI’s Development and Strategy officer,

Austin Cooper will serve as AAI’s Government Affairs Representative in Washington, DC. In this capacity, Cooper will develop and execute AAI’s government relations program and orchestrate AAI’s “Conversations on Africa” in the House of Representatives and Senate. Cooper previously was GoodWorks International’s Vice President for Government Relations and Communications.

Brian McGinley is AAI’s Development and Strategy officer, who will be responsible for all aspects of fundraising from public and private sources and creating a diversified revenue stream that supports organizational sustainability and growth. He will also seek to increase corporate partnerships. Prior to joining AAI, McGinley was the Executive Director of Co-operation Ireland-USA.

Angela Gachui Profile pic

Angela Mugure Gachui, Coordinator of ‘Talent Central’ site

Angela Mugure Gachui will serve as the manager of AAI’s “Talent Central” initiative, an online space on AAI’s website featuring a jobs board, career and repatriation tips, and blogs. Gachui will work closely with Human Resources representatives to populate job postings and create content for the site. She is an African Women in Public Service Fellow at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service.

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