New Blog Platform to Amplify African Thought Leaders

The African Angle resizeA recently launched blog platform seeks to amplify the voices of contemporary African thought leaders, including AAI alumni, on the World Policy Institute’s website.

The African Angle, an initiative of The Africa-America Institute, Fireside Research, and World Policy Journal, will provide an engaging forum for African leaders to speak out on issues of global concern.

Published bi-weekly, the blog series will highlight the ideas, opinions and experiences of African researchers, journalists, practitioners and other experts across sub-Saharan Africa on topics ranging from economics, politics, development, among other global issues.

Distinguished AAI alumni, who are today’s leaders in the public, non-profit, and private sectors, will contribute to the blog series by writing on their area of expertise.

Debuting the new platform on April 1, AAI President Amini Kajunju and David Stevens of Fireside Research explored the changing narrative on Africa. To read the debut blog, please click here.


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