Alumni Outreach Initiative – Spring Update

In 2018, AAI’s Alumni Outreach Initiative (AOI) strategy was designed to develop AAI alumni networks in select countries. In 2019, we aim to leverage existing relationships and networks that have been re-energized, and expand our outreach to other countries.

With the support of AAI’s Board of Trustees, we are increasing momentum and now have committed alumni spearheading AAI alumni networks in Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, and South Africa.   

The AAI Alumni are the backbone of an extremely formidable and unique network. Among our most celebrated and distinguished AAI alumni are current Heads of State across the African continent including: Côte d’Ivoire, Namibia, South Africa, and Tanzania’s former President, Benjamin William Mkapa.  

Our esteemed alumni also include renowned academics and leaders in the fields of business and development.  AAI scholars are contributing significantly by empowering communities, thus promoting a prosperous future for the current and future generation of Africans

Videos of AAI Alumni will be posted periodically on our website; these are stories that AAI is collecting and preserving.

We hope you can visit our website often and update your contact details.  We would like to know where you are and what you are doing, so please provide updates when possible. 

Click here to view a selection of AAI’s alumni videos.

Alumni Videos

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