Alumni Outreach Initiative Events

For over half a century, the Africa-America Institute has been a beacon of hope for promising Africans and a force for good in Africa.  Our long and rich history of connecting Africans with opportunity and building bridges between communities, countries, and continents has prepared us to serve as a link between generations of Africans.

To continue this mission, AAI has launched the Alumni Outreach Initiative (AOI) as part of a renewed commitment to strengthen relationships with its alumni and encourage increased communication and collaboration within the network.  Our goal is to shine a light on the positive impact of AAI alumni and to inspire the next generation of Africans.

In furtherance of this emphasis on our alumni, earlier this year we hosted special alumni events in Maputo, Windhoek, and Johannesburg.  In conjunction with these events, video interviews of alumni were conducted.   The purpose of these interviews is to capture the impacts of AAI alumni in their communities, countries and the world.  The content collected will be collated and will be shared via a special web platform dedicated to the AAI alumni.

These alumni events were well attended and brought together our alumni from all generations with a primary theme of “celebrating African Change Makers.” At each reception, alumni were recognized and celebrated, and a number told their AAI stories in person.  In Maputo, our co-host was AAI alumnus, Prof. Jorge Ferrao, Vice Chancellor of Pedagogical University of Mozambique.  In Windhoek, our keynote speaker was AAI alumnus, His Excellency President Hage Geingob of the Republic of Namibia.  In Johannesburg, our co-host was AAI alumnus, Adv. Dumisa Ntsebeza, Chairman of Barloworld Limited.  In each country local and national media covered the AAI event.  Each event was attended by Kofi Appenteng, as CEO and President of AAI, and Steve Pfeiffer, as Chair of the Board of Trustees.

We look forward to seeing you in future alumni events.  In the meantime, we encourage our alumni to connect with us and each other, including helping us obtain contact details of those alumni of whom you have knowledge.


For more information please contact Mariam Sow, AAI Alumni Outreach Advisor,



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