AAI President to Participate in Panel on Developing a Talent Pipeline in Emerging Markets

Appointment_of_Amini_10_01_2012Amini Kajunju, President & CEO of The Africa-America Institute, will join Wendy Hawkins, Executive Director of the Intel Foundation, and Deborah K. Holmes, Americas Director of Corporate Responsibility at EY, for a dynamic and timely discussion on the challenges and opportunities of catalyzing growth in emerging markets.

Tune in at pyxeraglobal.org on Monday, April 7 from 2 – 5, EST, for this live-streamed conversation, Livelihoods & Leadership on the New Frontier during the Public Private Partnership Forum, moderated by Fortune Magazine’s Nina Easton.

Today’s governments and corporations find themselves operating on a global scale, often in challenging settings. From fast growing entrepreneurial ventures to leading multinational companies, developing a talent pipeline is critical to the success of organizations and businesses. On this new frontier, human capital is one of the world’s most prized resources, and yet, one of the hardest to cultivate.

Simultaneously, many people around the world remain economically disenfranchised due to a lack of accessible employment. Women and girls, who for centuries often have been economically excluded, are increasingly able to access education and employment opportunities, enabling them to become economically engaged. Entrepreneurship, skills training and other means of developing employment opportunities for those who need them most foster livelihoods in emerging markets around the world.

Forward-thinking companies are bringing their resources and talent into new markets in ways that deliver social impact and increase local capacity while developing leadership potential not only among their own employees, but also in the local communities where they are engaged.

Hosted by PYXERA Global, the Public Private Partnership Forum is a one-of-a-kind event that will actively engage the public, private, and social sectors in dialogue like never before. Broadcast live from the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on April 7 from 2 to 5 pm, EST, the Forum will examine how cross-sector interests converge to achieve shared value. Sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company, as an important part of the Catalyzing Growth in Emerging Markets Conference, the Forum will be live-streamed from pyxeraglobal.org.

Click here to sign up for the Public Private Partnership Forum on Facebook. Join the conversation on Twitter at #Catalyze14.


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