AAI Presents Scholarship to Pay for Nurse Training in Liberia

Liberian nurses scholarship web

AAI President & CEO Amini Kajunju (r) presents a scholarship check to Barbara A. Simmons, Inaugural Dean and Associate Professor of International Education at Tubman University.

As the West African country of Liberia readies to declare itself “ebola free” after a devastating health crisis, The Africa-America Institute (AAI) is providing scholarship funds to William V.S. Tubman University’s Nursing Program to help fill the urgent shortage of skilled health professionals in Liberia.

AAI President & CEO Amini Kajunju presented a check of $5300 to Barbara A. Simmons, J.D., Inaugural Dean and Associate Professor of International Education at Tubman University on May 7 at the AAI headquarters.

The scholarship funds will pay for full tuition and fees plus room and board for a four-year nursing degree at Tubman University, which is located in the Harper, Maryland County in Liberia. The university is the only institution of higher learning in Southeastern Liberia.

The scholarship funds were raised in late 2014 from the #GivingTuesday campaign and the end-of-year annual appeal.

The World Health Organization is expected to announce that Liberia is ebola-free on May 9, if no new case is confirmed on that date. The last confirmed Ebola patient in Liberia died March 27, WHO reported.




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