AAI Launches Newly Designed, Mobile-Friendly Website

AAI website

Welcome to the new AAI website! We invite you to explore our new site and learn more about our mission, distinguished alumni, latest news and perspectives on Africa, and upcoming events. We hope you check out the interactive historical timeline to visually experience how AAI’s history is interwoven into African history and milestones.

In celebration of AAI’s 60th anniversary, the new website offers a fresh and modern look for our organization. The website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate to gain perspectives on current African issues and the latest on our professional development training programs as well as the awards gala and career expo.

The website will bring fresh content to the site on a consistent basis, and will also incorporate videos into our site to tell the full AAI story.

Our new site is a responsive website and is designed for an optimal viewing experience on any device that you may use to access the site from a laptop and desktop to a tablet or smartphone.

The next phase of the website development aims to foster greater engagement among AAI alumni through online tools and will involve the ability to access a wealth of information from our rich, historical archives dating back to our founding in 1953.

Please browse our new site and experience an innovative and intuitive site highlighting our mission and alumni and all news and information on AAI. We hope you will engage with us through social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and in person by attending our Anniversary Awards Gala and Annual Career Expo.

We’d like to thank Dawn Sword and her team at Serendipity Creative LLC for their hard work in the overall design and development of this website.

AAI would love to hear from you! Let us know what you think and where we can improve the website. Please contact us at aainy@aaionline.org.



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