AAI Joins the National #GivingTuesday Movement to Encourage Investment in Africa’s Future Leaders

Giving Tuesday logoTaking place December 1, 2015 – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving – AAI has joined the #GivingTuesday campaign, a nationwide effort to inspire people to give back by contributing to worthy causes during the holiday season.

#GivingTuesday seeks to shift the focus away from U.S. shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday during the holidays to finding meaningful ways to help create a better world.

Through robust social media outreach, beginning in early-November, AAI will encourage investment in the newly-launched Future Leaders Legacy Fund, an exciting scholarship program that seeks to raise $2.5 million to send 300 African students to university and vocation and technical schools.

The Legacy Fund’s inaugural partner institutions are Ashesi University, Accra, Ghana; United States International University (USIU-Africa), Nairobi, Kenya; and UNISA – The University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. Read select profiles of AAI’s 2015 Scholars. 

For the #GivingTuesday campaign in 2014, AAI raised funds for scholarships to train nurses at Tubman University’s Nursing Program in Liberia to help address the urgent need for creating sustainable healthcare systems and training African health care workers. Michel Farkay was selected as the 2015 AAI scholarship recipient.

This year, AAI will continue to support the training of nurses at Tubman University.

“We hope AAI supporters and new friends will give generously to the Legacy Fund and for nursing scholarships at Tubman University during #GivingTuesday and our Year End Appeal,” said Kajunju.

AAI is part of a movement of more than 10,000 organizations in 46 countries that are coming together for a special call to action that mobilizes supporters to give back on #GivingTuesday and throughout the giving season.

To participate in AAI’s #GivingTuesday campaign, be sure to become a fan on Facebook and follow AAI on Twitter and LinkedIn. Or to give directly to the scholarship fund, click here.


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