AAI Hosts Washington ‘Meet & Greet’ Reception

AAI President Amini Kajunju outlines AAI's goals and objectives at its "Meet and Greet" reception.

AAI President Amini Kajunju outlines AAI’s goals and objectives at its “Meet and Greet” reception.

AAI hosted a “Meet & Greet” Reception on March 25 in Washington, D.C., to share the international education organization’s current goals and objectives and explore deeper engagement with stakeholders working to advance progress and prosperity in Africa.

Representatives from U.S. government agencies, the African diplomatic community, Africa-focused corporations, NGOs, think-tanks, and top media outlets attended the reception, held at the Norton Rose Fulbright office. Steve Pfeiffer, a partner at Norton Rose Fulbright  and member of AAI’s board of trustees, hosted the event.  Norton Rose Fulbright also provides office space for AAI to operate in Washington, D.C.

“Tonight is a homecoming for AAI in many ways,” said AAI President & CEO Amini Kajunju. “For over five decades, we had a strong presence in Washington where we helped to shape and influence U.S.-Africa policy and raise awareness about issues related to the continent among the American public.”


Omar Chinmoun of the Cameroon Embassy (l) and Ambassador Jose Rocha of Cabo Verde (r) attend the reception.

At the reception, Kajunju shared details on the top Africa-related priorities for AAI’s Washington office, key U.S.-Africa policy, and upcoming events in Washington, New York City, and on the African continent.

Kajunju announced that AAI will launch the Future Leaders Legacy Fund, a multi-year campaign that will provide African students with scholarships to study in top-performing African universities and technical colleges.

“We hope you will take part in this important effort. Every person in Africa who wants a good college education should get one,” said Kajunju. “And, it is now time to consider African universities, as a place of excellence and innovation.”

To read, Amini Kajunju’s full remarks at the reception, please click here.

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