State of Education in Africa 2017 – Thank You


Asante sana!


With all protocols observed, it has been a true pleasure and honor to be in our host city of Nairobi, Kenya, with our outstanding partners and sponsors who worked to make the State of Education in Africa 2017 a resounding success.


A special thank you to our sponsors the Ford Foundation, General Electric, Carnegie Mellon University and IE University, and to our higher education partners ESSA, Robert Bosch Stiftung and USIU.  And we are deeply grateful to our student discussants, including AAI scholar Yaros Oyara from the Transformational Leadership Program.  Every one of our speakers, panelists and guests contributed to the robust debate and stimulating dialogue that are the hallmarks of a successful convening.


The quality programming, meaningful networks created and strengthened, and the commitment to ongoing dialogue and engagement around the critical issues facing higher education in Africa and beyond was an affirmation of the AAI mission of promoting enlightened engagement related to Africa.


Please click here for a link to the SOE Africa 2017 photo gallery.


Stay tuned for information about the 2018 State of Education in Africa Conference. Further announcements will be forthcoming.   In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 


Thank you



Our esteemed panelists and speakers:


Dr. Atieno AdalaManager, Research and Development, African Virtual University (AVU)

Dr. Tade Akin AinaExecutive Director, Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR)

Dr. Ousseina AlidouProfessor, Africa American & African Studies, Rutgers University

Kofi Appenteng – CEO and President, The Africa-America Institute

Dr. Phillip Clay – Professor and Former Chancellor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Esther Eshiet Faculty Lead, Afterschool Centre for Career Development (ACCD)

Luís Jorge António FerrãoVice Chancellor, Pedagogical University of Mozambique

Dr. Olaf Hahn – Senior Vice President, Robert Bosch Stiftung

Melissa HowellDirector of Global Programs, The Africa-America Institute

Santiago Iñiguez Executive President, IE University

Anne Jason GE Executive Global Commodity Leader, General Electric Africa

Patrick Karanja Program Associate, The Rockefeller Foundation

Lydiah Kemunto Bosire Founder, 8B

John MatogoUniversity Relations Leader for East Africa, IBM

Irene Mbari- Kirika Executive Director, inAble

Brenda Mbathi Director, Government Affairs & CSR, General Electric Africa

Maurice MakolooDirector, Eastern Africa, Ford Foundation

Ivy Mwai – Program Manager, Education & Learning, The MasterCard Foundation

Sylvia Mwangi Manager, Generation Kenya, McKinsey Social Initiative

Amos G. Njuguna Associate Dean, United States International University, Nairobi

Nneka Okekearu – Deputy Director, Enterprise Development Centre, Pan-Atlantic University

Dr. Fredrick OgengaCEO, Peacemaker Corps Foundation, Head of Department, Communication, Journalism & Media Studies, Rongo University, Founding Director, Center for Media, Democracy, Peace & Security, Rongo University 

Dr. Henrik Pedersen – Dean of School of Engineering, Rutgers University

Hilary Pennington – Vice President for Education, Creativity and Free Expression, Ford Foundation

Steve PfeifferPartner, Norton Rose Fulbright, Chairman, The Africa-America Institute

Claude RibbeAuthor, Historian and Producer  

Crystal RugegeDirector of Business Strategy & Operations, Carnegie Mellon University Africa

H.E. Carlos dos Santos Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to the United States

Femi TaiwoProgramme Manager, YouthLEAP, LEAP Africa

Angela WachukaExecutive Director, Kwani Trust

Dr. Beth Waweru General Manager, Climate Change, Strategic Partnerships & Collaborations, Equity Group Foundation

Vivienne Yeda  Director General, East African Development Bank

Dr. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza – Vice Chancellor and Professor of the Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University-Africa (USIU

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