AAI Awards Gala Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsorship Opportunities

Your presence at the AAI Annual Awards Gala increases your visibility with African Heads of State and distinguished U.S. and African leaders, corporate executives and top diplomats during the opening week of the UN General Assembly.

Sponsorship opportunities are available to showcase your organization at one of the largest and most highly anticipated events celebrating Africa in New York City.

To learn more about our sponsorship opportunities here. Please contact Brian McGinley at tel. +1-212-949-5666 or email, bmcginley@aaionline.org.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Co-Presenting Sponsor (2 slots only, category exclusive) ……………………$125,000 Two Premier Tables of Eight, 16 tickets to VIP Reception, Seating with Ambassador from Country of Choice, Photographs with Honoree, Prominent Listing in Journal and In-Venue Digital Screen, Donor Plaques, VIP Invite to all Events

Leadership Sponsor (3 slots only, category exclusive) ………………………….$50,000 One Premier Table of Eight, Eight tickets to the VIP Reception, Seating with Ambassador from Country of Choice, Photographs with Honoree, Prominent Listing in Journal and In-Venue Digital Screen, Donor Plaques, VIP Invite to all Events

❑ Excellence Sponsor .……………………………………………………………….$25,000 One Preferred Table of Eight, Seating with Ambassador, Prominent Listing and In- Venue Digital Screen, Full Page Journal Ad, Gift Listed in AAI’s Annual Report

Scholarship Sponsor ……………………………………………………………….$12,500 One Preferred Table of Eight, Seating with Ambassador, Prominent Listing and Half Page Journal Ad



__ Legacy Ticket …………………………………………………………………………..$1,000 Seating for One at a Preferred Table

__ Alumni Ticket ……………………………………………………………………………$500 Seating for One Alumni at a Preferred Table


JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS (Submission deadline is September 1, 2016) Includes an online presence on AAI’s website. Guests are invited to submit a tribute to Stephen Hayes, President & CEO of The Corporate Council on Africa.

Full Page …………………………………………………………………………………$2,000

Half Page …………………………………………………………………………………$1000

Quarter Page ……………………………………………………………………………..$500


Journal Specs

Full page no bleed: 6.5″ x 9.5″

Full page with bleed: 7″ x 10″ trim, 7.25″ x 10.25″ total dimensions including bleed.

Half-page: 6.5″ x 4.65″

Quarter page: 3.17″ x 4.65″

— All ads must be print-ready, high-resolution (300dpi+) and in PDF format. (No JPGs)

— Ads can be full-color or black and white.  


ONSCREEN ADVERTISEMENTS (Due September 17, 2016) Rotate throughout the evening in the main hall screen during Reception and Dinner

❑ Full Screen ………………………………………………………………………………$1,500

❑ Half Screen ………………………………………………………………………………..$750



❑ I am unable to attend, but wish to contribute $_____________.

❑ My company has a matching gift program.

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