AAI Gearing Up for State of Education in Africa Conference on Sept. 2 in Lagos

Staff in Lagos web

Amini Kajunju, AAI President & CEO (r), and Mikako Tai, AAI’s Executive Assistant & Corporate Affairs Officer (l), go over final preparations for the State of Education in Africa conference.

AAI staff are gearing for the Second Annual State of Education in Africa conference to be held on September 2, at the InterContinental Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria. The education conference is co-sponsored by The Ford Foundation and with support from the World Bank.

Policy-makers, educators, administrators, philanthropists and other stakeholders will meet for a solutions-driven conference to assess the progress of education at all levels in Africa and identify opportunities and challenges in education on the African continent.

Patrick Utomi, Founder/CEO at Centre for Values in Leadership, will serve as keynote speaker where he will speak about how to revitalize Africa’s educational system. Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, Co-founder of Andela, will inspire attendees on innovation in education through his experience of running social ventures in education technology and publishing.

Panel discussions will range from “Teacher Training”, “Global Best Practices in Education”, “Spotlight on Vocational and Technical Training and Higher Education”, “Early Childhood Education”, and “Reforming Science and Technology Education in Africa”. (Check out the stellar line up of panelists here.)

Finalists will present their cutting-edge ideas, tools, information and technologies on how totransform education in Africa at the conference’s first-ever PitchFest competition.

For the stellar lineup of panelists and speakers, visit State of Education in Africa Event Page.

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