The African Angle – Empowering Farmers on the Kenyan Coast

The African Angle resizeSmallholder farmers around the world have the potential to help strengthen global food security, but many lack the knowledge and skills they need to farm successfully. Esther Ngumbi writes about Oyeska Greens, a start-up she founded to teach smallholder farmers on the Kenyan Coast the best practices in modern agriculture.


Oyeska Greens will keep working with smallholder farmers on the Kenyan Coast. We won’t rest until the entire Kenyan Coast becomes an agricultural hub where greenhouse/open farming, technology, entrepreneurship, smart marketing, and climate-smart, smallholder-driven farming intersect to produce lasting change. This is the impact we are working to create.


To read the blog, please click here.

The African Angle, an initiative of The Africa-America Institute, Fireside Research, and World Policy Journal, seeks to amplify the voices of contemporary African thought leaders speaking on issues of global concern. The views and opinions expressed in the blogs are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Africa-America Institute.

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