AAI Alum: Join Future Leaders Legacy Fund!

AAI legacy fund logo low-res_horizontalThe Africa-America Institute has issued a special appeal to AAI alumni to participate in the AAI Future Leaders Legacy Fund, a newly-launched campaign to provide academically motivated, yet under-resourced students, scholarships to earn degrees at top-notch African universities and technical colleges. The Fund goal is to have 100% alumni participation.

Building a highly educated and skilled workforce is essential to meet local and global market demands and to give the continent a competitive edge in the global economy. Yet, only 6% of young people in sub-Saharan Africa are enrolled in higher institutions, compared to the global average of 26%, UNESCO estimates.

The Fund aims to expand access to advanced education and professional development training, while ensuring that top-performing African universities also benefit by receiving increased resources to retain and educate students.

If you are an AAI alumnus and AAI has played a role in shaping your life and career, consider becoming a ‘Champion’ for the Legacy Fund!

Here’s how you can make an impact right now:

  • Donate. Support AAI’s Future Leaders Legacy Fund. Our goal is to raise $500,000 each year. To date, $82,000 has been raised since November 2014 from a small circle of donors and internal sources. Join us today!
  • Get Involved. Become an ambassador by joining our global steering committee, an influential network of alumni that raises funds and awareness.
  • Engage. Share your story! Provide us with a quote on how AAI has influenced your life. We’d love to hear from you to inspire others…

For more information or inquiries, please contact Brian McGinley, AAI’s Development & Strategy Officer, at email, bmcginley@aaionline.org or call (212) 949-5666.

Learn more about how you can participate in and support the Legacy Fund! Visit the AAI Future Leaders Legacy Fund Page.


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