‘Call for Papers’ on Innovation in Education for Fall Conference

AAI-state-of-education-logo-low-resThe Africa-America Institute is issuing a call for papers for international educators and academics to present bold and innovation solutions on improving the quality of education at all levels to advance Africa’s global competitiveness and economic growth at AAI’s State of Education in Africa conference this fall.

The inaugural Annual State of Education in Africa conference, to be held on September 9 at the Ford Foundation in New York City, will track the progress of primary, secondary, tertiary, technical and vocational education in Africa. The education conference will also explore thematic, country and sector approaches to strengthening the capacity of Africans and educational institutions.

The conference will feature three panels on Primary and Secondary Education: Where Do We Go from Here to Improve Educational Outcomes?; Vocational and Technical Education Programs as a Pathway to Success; and Creating a 21st Century Educational Experience in Africa: Looking beyond enrollment numbers to coursework and methodologies to find solutions for today’s educators.

Educators are encouraged to submit proposals for individual papers or posters as an extract. Submitted papers should aim to go beyond the current thinking and models on education by offering innovative approaches and strong findings to support their position.

Individuals selected to present at the conference will be allotted a 15-minute slot to discuss the position and five minutes for a Question and Answer session.

If interested in presenting, please submit a title, 75-word description of your topic and an abstract of no more than 750 words to provide an overview of themes, research and information to present at the education conference. Please email aai@thewakemanagency.com.  All submissions are due by July 9, 2014. Presenters will be notified by July 30.



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