Word from the President – Winter 2014

Amini_Reflections_10_01_2012Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! Thank you for your support of AAI during the commemoration of our 60th anniversary and launch of new initiatives in 2013. We had a very productive year! As we look to the year ahead, we’re excited about the new opportunities that 2014 will bring.

In January, we will launch a yearlong Speaker Series to provide an engaging platform for U.S., international and African thought leaders to bring fresh perspectives and expertise on issues relevant to U.S. policy towards Africa and African domestic policies. Our first event in the Speaker Series will be a high-level panel discussion on January 30 from 6:30-8:30pm in New York City to explore the challenges and economic potential of President Barack Obama’s “Power Africa” Initiative, a new U.S initiative to expand energy access.

We officially opened AAI’s Government Affairs office in Washington, DC in late-2013 to foster deeper engagement with U.S. elected officials, U.S. governmental agencies, and Africa advocates. The first of four “AAI: Conversations on Africa” forums for 2014 will be held on February 26.

To build on the momentum of the inaugural Career Expo: Talent Summit, we are creating a new feature “Talent Central” on the AAI website to connect African talent with Africa-focused jobs in the U.S. and on the continent through a jobs board, and career and repatriation tips, tools and blogs for the African Diaspora.

We’ll hold the second Annual Talent Summit in April and  The State of Education in Africa annual conference in September in New York City. Once again, during the opening week of the UN General Assembly, we will host our highly-anticipated Awards Gala.

This edition of THE AAI CONNECTION will introduce new members of the AAI team and provide greater details on our upcoming activities in 2014.

We hope to see you at our events in New York City and Washington, D.C. Stay engaged with us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


All the Best,

Amini Kajunju, President and CEO

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