African NGO Leaders Gain Valuable Management Skills Through TLP Training

African NGOs are often the first responders in delivering some of the most pressing development challenges in their communities. Leaders of African NGOs in Nigeria and Kenya gained practical management skills to optimize their service delivery to local communities through AAI’s Transformational Leadership Program training in mid-May.

Trainings were held at TLP’s partner institutions Pan-African University’s Enterprise Development Center (EDC) in Lagos, Nigeria on May 13-16 and 17-18; and at U.S. International University’s Chandaria School of Business on May 20-24 in Nairobi, Kenya. A series of TLP training programs will take place through October in Nigeria and South Africa.

The Transformational Leadership Program, known as TLP, is a multi-year program that provides non-degree professional certificate and business degree training for African managers of Africa-based NGOs working in the fields of health, education, environment and entrepreneurship, and African small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation is the program’s inaugural and primary funding partner. AAI is seeking an investment of $1.5 million from additional partners to expand its programming to achieve a greater impact on Africa’s NGO leaders.

For more information about the Transformational Leadership Program (TLP) and partnerships, please visit or contact Watch powerful personal testimonies on the impact of the TLP training on NGO leaders in Nigeria.

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