From the Archives – Presidents of Kenya and Liberia Meet in 1969 to Strengthen Ties


For the 60th anniversary, AAI will feature a monthly “From the Archives” blog, highlighting historical milestones in AAI and African history. This blog post features verbatim historical documents from AAI’s files and articles from Africa Report, a monthly publication of in-depth analysis and reports chronicling the continent’s dramatic political and economic developments.

Published from 1956 through 1995, Africa Report became the most significant Africa-focused publication in the U.S.


Africa Report, January 1969. Volume 14, Number 1.

Tubman Visits Kenya. President William V. S. Tubman made a state visit to Kenya September 29-October 7. In a communiqué issued at the end of the visit, Tubman and Kenya’s President Jomo Kenyatta condemned “the Pretoria-Lisbon-Salisbury axis” as an “exercise to perpetuate colonialism and racialism in Africa” and said force should not be ruled out as a means of ending the Smith regime in Rhodesia. They supported a solution of the Nigerian civil war in an African context and in accordance with the principles of the Organization of African Unity. On bilateral relations, Tubman and Kenyatta announced their desire to strengthen economic and cultural cooperation.



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