Happy Holidays

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and Staff of the Africa-America Institute, we would like to wish you a safe and healthy holiday season.

2021 has been a year of many challenges for all of us but, with your help, we have been able to deepen and grow our work.

Please consider including AAI in your year-end giving. Click here to donate.

Yours in partnership,

Kofi Appenteng

Take a look back at some of AAI’s 2021 Events

AAI’s School Services Program

7th Annual State of Education on Africa Conference

AAI’s 37th Annual Awards Gala

AAI’s 60th Anniversary of the African Scholarship Program of American Universities (ASPAU)

AAI Presents Artist & AAI Alumnus Ablade Glover with the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award

Latest News

Meet the Scholars of AAI’s African STEM Initiative

Read AAI’s digital newsletter debut issue on “Honoring History” and BHM

AAI Statement on the Passing of H.E. Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia