2015 Africa Prosperity Summit Opens in Tanzania

AAI President Amini Kajunju with participants at the Legatum Institute's African Prosperity Summit in Tanzania.

AAI President Amini Kajunju with participants at the Legatum Institute’s African Prosperity Summit in Tanzania.

How can more Africans benefit from Africa’s current economic boom?

Experts from academia, civil society, business and politics will explore this question and weigh in on how to promote true prosperity on the African continent at The Legatum Institute’s Africa Prosperity Summit, which opens on May 20 in Tanzania.

The Legatum Institute’s conference, with the support of the Ford Foundation, will be held in Dar es Salaam from May 20-21. AAI President and CEO Amini Kajunju will sit on the panel session titled “Business Values for Prosperity” on May 20. Other panel session topics will range from how data can promote prosperity and advancing African innovation to personal safety and national prosperity. To reach Ms. Kajunju’s presentation, please click here.

The conference is based on findings from the Legatum Institute’s 2014 Africa Prosperity Report, which was launched last year. The Africa Prosperity Report provides a broad overview of Africa’s performance by measuring GDP and eight sub-indices such as education, health, and personal freedom.

Improving the basic education system and providing the right set of employable skills remain the biggest challenge for Tanzania and many other African nations. Beyond that, expanding post-school training opportunities in colleges and universities would further improve the education system,” the report indicated.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that a concerted effort is needed from governments, business, civil society, and local communities,” it added.

The report complements the Institute’s global Prosperity Index, by ranking 38 countries across the African continent in terms of prosperity—defined as wealth and well being.


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